We guarantee quality + strategic vision + agility + resolution

At SUGRAÑES we provide our services under a policy of comprehensiveness, privacy and unique critical subjectivity policy, to achieve the highest level of protection and legal certainty for our clients.
We specialise in the protection, defence, consultancy and management of all matters connected with IP in the field of Patents and Utility Models, Trademarks and Trading Names, Designs and Domain Names, Copyright.
We offer fully integrated services to ensure the utmost protection and legal certainty in the field of IP.
Patents (and utility models) protect inventions An invention is a technical solution to a problem of a technical nature. This solution may take the form of a product, a procedure (with a physical embodiment or to be implemented by computer), or may concern the new use of a substance or formulation.
Trademarks are names, graphics, numbers, colours, sounds and other signs serving to identify a company's products and services in the marketplace.
These are rights held by the creators of literary, artistic and scientific works
Legal action focuses on offering the best possible legislative protection in defence of Industrial and Intellectual Property assets, analysing at all times the best strategy to follow.
New technologies represent a digital revolution, and the implications of this in the sphere of technological contracts, online advertising, cybercrime and digital reputation.
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